WHEN I WAS IN THE SPIRIT I SAW THIS!!! | SeerAbrahamRichard #DewMediaTV
While in spirit, this is what Seer Abraham Richard saw and revealed to the Church of God to pray: "I saw death in India..."
Indeed, as revealed on 20th November 2022, witness God's perfected Word in our midst, according to different social media platforms; where India is affected with earthquakes that have left many dead, injured, homeless and in trauma.
Lamentations chapter 3 verse 37 says: Who can speak and have it happen if the LORD has not decreed it? Indeed, no man.
We do not rejoice because our brothers and sisters are hurting, but to God's perfected Word as revealed. Therefore, as we watch this prophecy confirmation take to note, whenever God’s Word is released, it is meant to push us to intercession and repentance. May the LORD have mercy upon us in Jesus' name.
Prophecy is our foundation!