IS GOD TRULY YOUR FATHER? | Revelation | Seer Abraham Richard.
In today's message, the Servant of God, Abraham Richard, shares a profound revelation he received from the Spirit of God for the Church of Christ, inspired by John 8:31-42: "Is God your Father?"
This question isn't just a casual inquiry; it’s a call for deep reflection. It urges us to take a closer look at our lives and honestly assess whether God is truly our Father, as we often claim.
Jesus Himself said, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever” (John 8:34-35). This passage reminds us that being a true child of God requires more than just calling Him "Father."
If you observe closely, you’ll notice that people everywhere frequently refer to God as "our Father in heaven" or "my Father in heaven." But these words shouldn't be spoken lightly. Before we declare "Our Father," we must first examine certain aspects of our lives to determine if we are truly living as children of God.
I encourage you to watch the entire revelation to gain a deeper understanding of the true qualities that define a son or daughter of God.
Good Morning Today!