Good morning to your soul and spirit! I thank the LORD for this opportunity that He has given both; you and I to receive and share this good news. We’re clay jars in which the LORD has stored His treasure. [2 Corinthians chapter 4:7]. Thus, He has sent us to be your servants.
2 Corinthians Chapter 4:5: For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the LORD; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. [KJV].
We believe that in the spiritual world there’s no mistake; for you to be witnessing this Prophetic message, then the LORD’s Will has been perfected and I feel free as it is encrypted in the Holy Scriptures; Ezekiel Chapter 33: 6, that, if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, the LORD will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.
Blessed are you that believes in the gifts of the Holy Spirit; Ephesians Chapter 4:11: It was He who gave some to be Apostles, some to be Prophets, some to be Evangelists, and some to be Pastors and Teachers, Vs12: to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up [NIV].
For you can never walk in darkness. This is the heritage for the children of God. So, as you read this message, may it draw your spirit closer to the truth concerning Prophets and Prophecy and the Will of God. Amen. Let us take a walk in the world of Prophets and Prophecy concerning the Church of God. Remember that you and I are the members that make up the Body of Christ, so let us pay attention to this Message as revealed by the Spirit of God through Seer Abraham Richard.
On 17th February, 2023, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Prophet Abraham Richard revealed, “I have a message that has been running in my heart and spirit. I received it by spiritual visions, revelations, and dreams; It has been running in me from the year 2015 up to date. The message concerns the Church of Christ in the Nation Malawi. I want to believe that the LORD does not just speak to one, but many for the faith of those who are listening.
The Spirit of God told me to talk about Malawi, ‘Let them know of My position. The Church is spiritually poor. The poverty has gone beyond; so bad’. For long I have been on my knees crying for the Church of Christ Jesus! But the Angel in charge of the church in Malawi said,“ Abraham, look at the extreme poverty happening and going on in the Church of Malawi.” However much they want to do what is right, they cannot because there is no Holy Spirit in their midst.
However much they want to talk to me, I cannot hear their voices because there is no Holy Spirit who is the mediator between Me and them. They are ignorant about the Holy Spirit. I can see their zeal but cannot hear their voices.’
Is anyone listening! This is the voice of God. I call upon Someone to rise up that we put our hands together in intercession Prayer. I know that you know what I am saying is true. Where there is no Holy Spirit in your life, there is no salvation. The Nation Malawi is spiritually poor. This message was delivered to me by the Spirit of God who carried the intercessors in the land of Malawi.
Where there is no Holy Spirit in the Church of Malawi, every foolish thing will happen, nonsense, abomination, defilement and everything. This is the voice of God – Thus says the LORD”.
Child of God, let us take time to learn from this revelation for the salvation of our souls; for remember, with every revelation released by the Spirit of God there is always an indispensable lesson for everyone! Let us also never forget that when a revelation is proclaimed in your hearing, it is also meant for you on a personal level.
As the Prophet of God revealed,“ It has been running in me from the year 2015 up to date. The Angel in charge of the church of Malawi said, ‘Let them know of My position. The church is spiritually poor. The poverty has gone beyond; so bad.”
What is spiritual poverty? It is to lack fruits of Love of Jesus Christ. And so, you can not be fit to represent Christ. You are like a tree without life [Not bearing fruit; which will be cut off].
Without Love in your works, then you are spiritually poor and nothing you do can ever breakthrough. Praying without Love for (in) God, you are not talking to Heaven. But only a noisy gang-1 Corinthians chapter 13:1-10.
The Angel of God appeared to the Prophet Abraham and revealed that the channels are blocked. The Angel said, “Abraham, look at the extreme poverty happening and going on in the Church of Malawi.” However much they want to do what is right, they cannot because there is no Holy Spirit in the Church. However much they want to talk to me, I cannot hear their voices because there is no Holy Spirit who is the mediator between Me and them. They are ignorant about the Holy Spirit. I can see their zeal but cannot hear their voices.’
Apostle Paul in (Bible) 1Corinthians chapter 13 brings out the essence of Love! If Love is not in the Church, then trouble awaits us, for we shall not be able to understand what the Spirit of God is saying. Even if He speaks, we will not hear, yet it is the Church that preserves a Nation and her people. Truth be told, the Living Church of God plays an essential part in the growth or the decline of a Nation.
When you study your Bible right from the book of Exodus; when the LORD sent His Word through Moses to Egypt, signs accompanied him that brought chaos. Even spiritually blind men that knew nothing about the God of Moses tested the touch. When this revelation concerning the spiritual poverty of the Church of Malawi came to Light, signs began to surface, similar to the times of Moses in Egypt.
On 14th March, 2023, the Nation of Malawi declared a state of emergency after tropical storm Freddy hit the Nation. According to reports from different media houses, nearly a hundred people had died because of the storm. This cyclone is reported to be the longest running in history that has caused havoc in parts of Southern Africa. Rescue workers said that they were completely overwhelmed by the rainfalls and mudslides.
Whatever that is happening in Malawi is not a surprise to the Spirit of God or the Living Church of God, because these are signs of something deeper that is going on. These physical signs are calling upon the Church to seek for solution from God because He is a God of Nature, nothing can happen without His knowledge. Lamentations 3:37: Who can command things to happen without the LORD’S permission? Does not the Most High send both calamity and good? [NLT]
Child of God, the Church is the cornerstone of a Nation. When the Church is upright in the LORD, the Nation will prosper. Now, what happens when the Church is not in the right standing with the LORD? The poor state of the Church in a Nation leads to the terrible suffering of the people, and every bad thing will happen there.
The Bible tells us that when the Israelites sinned against God; He sent them suffering [Judges 13], and at His appointed time, He sent them a Prophet to rescue them.
We pray that the same God who located His nation Israeli by Grace and Mercy, to locate the Church of Malawi in the name of Jesus Christ! And for the Glory of His Name. Amen!
This Message is meant to shine a clear Light on the importance of the Church in a Nation. True Vine Communion Ministries For All Nations prays for the Nation of Malawi in this poignant moment.