Published on 01/26/2024



Sister Asinde Catherine from Tororo District recalls being called the walking dead due to her asthma. She narrates that four years ago, when she went to the hospital, the doctors diagnosed her with asthma. This situation caused her to have difficulty in breathing.

She recounts, “Whenever I go to noisy places, I feel uncomfortable because of my condition, and when I try to sleep at night, I cannot breathe properly and I end up sitting. I barely sleep; and this has truly taken my joy away. They have given me medication, but it has been ineffective. I cannot run, do house chores, or even bend.” Her extended family could not allow her to come to their homes because they feared that the worst would happen while she was there.

Unable to attend any social gathering, or even visit her extended family, she felt like a caged animal. She always made silent prayers asking the LORD to release her from her situation and her cry did not go in vain. The Word of God tells us that the Servant of God, Prophet Eli, answered Hannah’s plea in 1Samuel 1:12-18, and for Sister Catherine, she believed her plea had reached Heaven when she heard about the Prayer Camp meeting.

On the 15th of December, 2023, clad in faith, she arrived at the Prayer Mountain and as soon as she stepped at the Prayer Mountain, her deliverance began. That very night of 15th December, 2023, after the night prayer, Sister Asinde, for the first time in a long time, slept soundly until morning without the disturbance of waking up. Joy enveloped her as she witnessed to what the LORD could do.

On the last day of the Prayer Camp Meeting, 17th December, 2023, Prophet Abraham Richard Bisaso, inspired by the Holy Spirit, declared Sister Catherine free, which she received with so much joy and gladness.

John 8:36: So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. As the Word of God puts it, Sister Asinde Catherine is enjoying the fruits of faith. Her asthma is gone, she can now bend, do house chores and her family no longer refers to her as the walking dead.

In her own words thanking the LORD, she exclaimed with joy, “Truly, there is a God here; Christ Jesus is here because I have been healed. Thank You, Christ Jesus, for healing me and setting me free from this bondage. I am so happy.”

